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Hello Fellow Daisies

Handmade Clothing for All Women

We Can Bring Out Your Most Confident Self.png

Hello! I am Iasia, the owner of Amaya Tene. I hope you join me on my journey of bringing confidence to all women and femme present people of all sizes!

At Amaya Tene, I believe that every woman deserves to feel confident and beautiful. That's why we specialize in creating handmade clothing, with a focus on small details and unique designs. Our clothing is made with care, using sustainable and ethical practices that make a positive impact on the world we live in.

I am a passionate individual who believe in the power of fashion that is beautiful and ethical. I believe that every piece of clothing should be made with love and intention, and I am committed to showcasing the beauty of handmade clothing to women everywhere. Thank you for choosing Amaya Tene for your clothing needs.


Handmade with Love

Sustainable Practices

At Amaya Tenè, we take a zero-waste approach to our production process. We believe that every action we take can make a positive impact on the environment, and we're committed to minimizing our waste and carbon footprint.

Ethical Fashion

We're proud to say that all of our clothing is made using ethical practices. I work closely with our suppliers to ensure that every step of the production process is fair and just. We're committed to creating a better world, one stitch at a time.

Unique Designs

Each piece of clothing at Amaya Tenè is made with care and intention. As a designer, I work tirelessly to create unique and beautiful designs that you won't find anywhere else. From intricate embroidery to bold prints, we're always pushing the boundaries of what's possible with handmade clothing.

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